As a professional, I understand the importance of using proper grammar and syntax in written content. One area that often causes confusion is the use of contractions in writing. At their core, contractions are formed by combining two words into one, typically with an apostrophe. But what kind of noun is a contraction?

The answer is that contractions are not nouns at all. Rather, they are a type of word that combines a pronoun or noun with a helping verb or other auxiliary word. The resulting word is a shortened version of the original phrase that conveys the same meaning.

For example, the contraction “it`s” is formed by combining the pronoun “it” with the helping verb “is” or “has.” The contraction “they`re” is formed by combining the pronoun “they” with the helping verb “are.”

In contrast, nouns are a different type of word that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples of nouns include “cat,” “desk,” “love,” and “birthday.” These words do not combine with other words to form contractions.

While contractions are a common part of spoken and written English, their use can be a matter of style and preference in certain cases. For example, some academic or formal writing may not use contractions, while casual or conversational writing may use them more often.

In terms of SEO, the use of contractions can impact the readability and clarity of written content. If a writer uses too many contractions, it can make the text seem overly casual or unprofessional. On the other hand, using no contractions at all can make the writing seem stilted and awkward.

As a copy editor, it is important to be aware of the proper use of contractions in writing and to ensure that they are used appropriately in the content you edit. By understanding that contractions are not nouns, but a type of word formed by combining words, you can help to create clear and effective written content for your readers.