When two or more individuals or entities decide to co-own a show dog, it is important to establish a clear and detailed co-ownership agreement or contract. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the co-ownership and helps to avoid misunderstandings or disputes between the co-owners.

The show dog co-ownership contract typically includes the following elements:

1. Identification of dog: The breed, name, registration number, date of birth, sex, color, and any other identifying information related to the dog being co-owned.

2. Purpose of co-ownership: The specific reason why the co-owners have decided to co-own the dog, such as for breeding, showing, or performance events.

3. Responsibilities of co-owners: The obligations and duties of each co-owner, including financial responsibilities, care and maintenance, training, and showing.

4. Ownership percentages: The percentage of ownership held by each co-owner, which can determine the division of expenses and proceeds from any breeding or showing activities.

5. Breeding and showing rights: The specific terms related to breeding and showing the dog, such as who has the right to breed the dog, who will handle the dog in shows, and how the proceeds from any breeding or showing will be divided among the co-owners.

6. Termination of co-ownership: The circumstances under which the co-ownership can be terminated, such as the death of the dog, the agreement of all co-owners to sell the dog, or a breach of the contract by one of the co-owners.

It is important for co-owners to consult with a legal expert who specializes in animal law and to have the co-ownership agreement reviewed carefully before signing it. The contract should be updated as needed to reflect any changes in circumstances or ownership percentages.

Overall, a well-drafted show dog co-ownership contract is essential for ensuring that all co-owners understand their rights and responsibilities and can work together effectively to achieve their goals for the dog.